If you are doing any business in the USA whether as a US Company or a non-US company you need an EIN.
In order to apply and get an EIN for your business, you dont have to be a US residents nor you need SSN or ITIN, you can apply for EIN as a non-resident also.
How do we process EIN:
- We answer questions in the SS4 form about your business e.g Legal name and address and more questions that we will go through them together.
- We will fill the form and send it back to you for final confirmation review, sign with the date.
- We will fax the form over to the IRS so they can review the information, and then follow up with the IRS over phone for getting EIN assigned.
- Once assigned, we get the EIN verification letter i.e. 147C faxed over to us which serves as EIN proof required by banks for bank application.