Filing Information

Please note: Option of anonymity depends on states. Some state mandatorily requires owner/partners/manager's name listed in documents.
Select 'Yes' if you already have a US business/mailing/residential address and want to use that address as registered/mailing address for this company.
Indicate ownership percentage in the company
Preferred: Business LinkedIn Page or owners Facebook, Twitter profile page etc.

Corporation Management

One shareholder per line with no of shares against his name

EIN (Tax ID) Details

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files.
Please upload uncropped, clear and high resolution color copy of the unexpired passports of all the partners with both pages open and all four corners clearly visible against the backdrop.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If current address is different than passport, please upload utility bill (not more than 3 months) as current address proof of all the partners
This signature is treated as consent to appoint Koshika as third party designee or sign the application for the Employer Identification Number i.e. form SS4 to get the EIN approved by the IRS.